Amazing Gameplay and Incredible graphics combine to make a star wars expierience like no other.

User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
You are running through the streets of Teris, With a dual blaster weilding pilot, Carth and a jedi master, Bastila, by your side. You are caught by 2 guards holding pistols, who tell you to move along. you have to choices; kill the guards, and stray to the dark side, losing the trust of your comerades, or leave them alive, and look for another way in. its all up to you. KotOR offers many situations like this, and all of them will move you closer to becoming a great jedi, or an evil sith. The game offerers lots of jaw dropping plot twists and plenty of great voice acting, and of course, great light saber battles. you begin as a soldeir on a ship, with no knowlege of the force. as you progress through the game, your various choices will effect the branching story line to the finale. You would be smart to pick this one up.