Phenomenal! This game is worthy of all of the praise that it recieved. Star Wars and Role- Playing Games NEED to play!

User Rating: 9.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
This is an outstanding game. Star Wars: KOTOR is a ground-breaking game that has raised the bar for every game in its genre. The story is phenomenal (better than the first two movies of the new trilogy, in my opinion.), the option to choose the light and dark side, the consequences that come with your choices, the twists that the story take, and the turn-based combat-made-into-fluid-fighting system is intriguing and makes the battles more cinematic and exciting. Overall, a must check out for XBox and PC gamers.

HIGH POINTS: Great battle system. Force powers are (basically) determined by your Force affinity, so if you are more Light sided, you get healing powers, enhancing buffs, and less destructive powers, where as if you choose the dark side, you get more destrictive powers, but no healing abilities and no buffing powers. Overall, you choose. Sure, the dark side powers are bad ass, but you will want the healing and buffing powers in tough fights. You get to choose your powers, depending on level and class type, but their are major advantages to chossing Light powers if you are a Light character, and vice versa. Also, the fact that you can choose the Light or Dark side gives the game mileage in the sense that you will want ot play the game through twice to see what will happen. Also, the dialoge is great. You will actually feel kinda bad for screwing somebody over, especially if it costs them their life, and they arent even real! Really well done. Even though some of the Light/Dark scenarios are a bit obvious, it is still fun to be able to choose your dialoge choices and your affinity with the Force. The games different characters are good, and they written well enough to get you involved with them. I guess most of my high points revolve around story type elements, but really, that is the high point of any truly great RPG. IF the story isnt engaging, the combat is only enough to keep you interested for a short while. That is not the case with this game, as the story is unmatched.

LOW POINTS: Very Few. The graphics are above average, but not great. The FMV are nice, but everything else is just above standard. However, this could also be a strength, since people with lower-end PC could still play this amazing game. The combat can get repetitive, and once you create your ultimate Jedi, it becomes a bit too easy as well. Also, the replay value is kinda small, since once you know the story from both viewpoints, you probably wont pop this one in for awhile. However, you will probably want to give this one another shot a couple years later, jsut to experience the thrills once more. Every weakness is a minor one.

THE SCOOP: Amazing game. If you haven't played this game yet, do you self a favor and pick it up! You can probably find it for $19.99 or less, so you no longer have an excuse! Discover one of the best things that has happend to the "Galaxy Far, Far Away" in years. Go!