One of the best rpg's I've ever played
User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
Out of all the Lucasarts games I've played this one is the top of the list. It surprises you by taking you away from all that you familiar with the fast paced fps style that all the other lucasarts games. Instead it thrusts you into a lightsaber wielding rpg where you have to save the galaxy, or conquer it as your taste may be. It's gameplay is strangely enough built on the classic dungeons and dragons d20 dice system and haves all the stats said system entails. However it does so without detracting too much from the game play. It accomplishes this by implementing the die system while not cluttering up a text box, a mistake that neverwinter nights made. Furthermore its plot, the main point, in my opinion, of rpg's takes many twists and tuns over all the galaxy and people will react to what you do and say. Overall it is one of my favourite games of all time.