One of the most amazing games, ever.

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
One of the best Star Wars games. One of the best RPG's. One of the best games in history. Knights Of The Old Republic is one of the best games I've played. It has great graphics, great gameplay, great music, and a great story.

KOTOR is is set 4000 years before the events of the movies, which allows for much freedom in the world. Travel to exotic planets like Kashyyyk and Tatooine, and choose your alliegance to either the dark side or the light side. The graphics are beautiful, and create life-like representations of the characters, bringing them to life. The lightsabers all sound and move like they would in the movies, making them all the more realistic.

The gameplay is fun, through travelling around towns and wastelands and collecting what you can find, slowly transforming into either a Sith or a Jedi. Your party members are all interesting characters with intruiging back-stories that slowly fall into place as they begin to trust you more, and this pulls the player in, and it creates an inspiring piece of gaming history.

The story is amazing, and this is quite a surprise since RPG's usually fall short on their story to allow the player more freedom in the world, and more non-linearity. KOTOR gets the best of both. You have a very open world at your fingertips, but the storyline never faulters, and this is where KOTOR truly shines. Although the game doesn't have the same level of freedom as games such as Morrowind or World Of Warcraft do, there is still an open world for you to explore, and this all works out for the best anyway, as the game wouldn't be half as good without the inviting twists and turns of the adventure you're thrown into.

This game is one of the most inviting games I've played in a long time, and is arguably better than it's sequel, "The Sith Lords."