My favorite RPG ever..........meat bags!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
This game is amazing, plain and simple. Why are yo reading this review when you could go out and buy the game right now? Ah so you want to know the reasoning behind the perfect 10 rating before you buy. Well first things first. People say the graphics are lackluster. I personally think they are fine for RPG graphics and are good enough to help make the game feel immersive. The sound is spot on, the effects match what's going on and the music is fitting for a Star Wars game. I am absolutely in love with the combat system, its my favorite non turn based system ever. It makes you feel like every second of the battle matters, which in some cases it does. The customization is fantastic, you can customize your character's looks, stats, force powers, and more. You can even customize your weapons and armor with a system later stolen by Blizzard for World of Warcraft, you may recognize it as the gem sockets in The Burning Crusade. Your character progresses along the dark or light storyline depending on the decisions you make, this contributes to replayability and just overall more fun. The missions are varied and atmospheric , not to mention they make you feel like you're actually accomplishing something. There are some great plot twists along the way as well, and the characters you have in your party are fantastic. My favorite is the robot bounty hunter who calls organic beings meat bags, not to mention he's just a bad a$$ in general. Go out and get this game, you will not be sorry in the least, well unless you don't have an Xbox, but then why are you reading this?