Game number one makes it big in 2004!
User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
Well where should I start....This thing is awsome. Im gonna take my hat off for this one, George Lucas has done it again! Well here we go, You start the game by chooseing a name, gender, and rank (Between Rouge, Soldire, smuggler) And you then start the game. You wake up in a ship and get your gear on you find out your ship is being attacked by sith. You meet this women named Bastila.
Later on in the game you find out your one of the sith, a sith named revan. And youfight off your apprintice Malik, who in turn tried to kill you in the begining. But the jedi saved you takeing you in and brainwashing you.
Later you get to choose between the light side or the darkside.