Simply one of the best RPG's of all time, and maybe the greatest Star Wars game ever made.

User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
This game is just amazing. It looks great and sounds great. It has a great engine. It's fun to play. The plot is engrossing. There is good reason to play it again, and both naughty and nice ways are fun. The characters are well fleshed out. Each personality is unique and adds something. Every place feels real. It's not a sandbox game. It's not exactly a "living world". But at times it fools you because everything is so beautiful and feels so real.

The game seemed a little too easy at time. Even moderate force powers are just GODLY against most enemies. But my favorite moment in the game is when I raided the final area thinking, like one usually does in these games, "yeah, this is gonna be easy, let's finish 'er off...."

I ate my words. Just as you start to feel ungodly powerful, it really hits you hard at the end and makes use use everything you've learned and put everything together. Brilliant pacing. Simply one of the best RPG's of all time, and maybe the greatest Star Wars game ever made.

It is certainly better entertainment per dollar than the newer "Star Wars" trilogy.