
User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
Years ago i found this game in a bargain bin in toys r us and cos the 'revenge of the sith' had just been released i thought it would be cool to play a star wars game.

When i started playing i had mixed reactions.

The environments were beautiful and the dialogue was great that you could choose what you wanted to say, as i had never experienced this, or any rpgs, before.
I had trouble adjusting to the combat system and thought it would be more interactive and i instantly wanted my own ship to explore the galaxy.
I played through the whole game and when the credits began to roll i thought 'that was a fun adventure'. Then i thought about it. This game is loaded with hours upon hours of quests and interesting little additions. The different environments were extremely contrasted and gave a lot of variety. The extra missions were rewarding and unlike many games 'ahem fable' actually fun. Also while im on the subject of fable, wasnt fable advertised as 'choices affected the world around you and the story' and ultimately failed at that? Kotor's choices are interesting and often require thought and sometimes you'll have no idea how an NPC will react and affect your alignment. My initial reaction to the combat was erased. Many games combat parts suck real bad 'ahem morrowind'. If Bioware had tried to make combat the main focus of the game they could have screwed a lot up. So i suppose what im saying here is that while all not that special, the combat is simple, accessible and cinematic. I find it hard to explain this game, its greatness preceeds human comprehension and this game is a must have.
Seeing as xbox games have been hard to come by these days (review written in 2009) if you see it grab it quick cos i made the stupid mistake of trading this game in cos i thought it didnt work properly on xbox360 then i found out you could get an update off xbox live. *sob*

Overall if you are remotely fond of RPGs or Star Wars or good games that consume hours (i once played this game for eight hours straight and skipped lunch) KOTOR is a must have.