Great storyline, Great RPG qualities, and the best SW game ever.

User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
The story line to this game is great, but takes time getting into. You start out as a character on board the ship the Endar Spire in which you are attacked by the Sith fleet which is under control by the Sith lord Malak, you then escape through a pod and land on your first planet, Taris. After that you must locate a Jedi named Bastila, once you find Bastila, well I can't say for those of you who haven't played this game.

The gameplay was good, but not fast paced enough to the SW style. It felt slowed down, because you had to choose moves. The sounds were great, but thats what you get with SW in the name.

Mini games felt rushed and lack luster.

The enviorments were well done and suited to the SW style.

I don't what else to say, the game is great, because of the storyline and it's well placed surprises.