A good star wars game where you can be part of the light side or part of the sith.

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
This game is pretty interesting to play. I seen some interesting elements in the game and been hearing some sweet stories of my friend of how he played the game.

The gameplay is actually not too hard to grasp. The thing is I only had to use the mouse about most of the time and hardly the keyboard. This makes it pretty easy for me to play a PC game since I hate trying to place my hands on the keyboard a certain way. You choose to either be a jedi on the light side or a sith jedi on the dark side. Here is descriptions of which side to play:

If you play this good side you get light points. This is done by helping people and such good deeds. The problem is that you give away a lot of money to help people and get very few good awards, which makes it harder to buy supples and weapons.

The dark side, you guessed it, you do bad things to people or say nasty stuff. This is also a way to get more money to buy stuff (For a price of turning toward to darkside).

the graphics are pretty decent in the game depending on what graphics card you have. The animations run pretty well unless if you try to beef up the quality of graphics slowdowns or frame skip may occur unless you have Alienware or best graphics card and lots of memory.

The sounds are good in this game. Pretty much as good as in any good Star Wars movie. Not much to say about it.

The value, I think it is worth it to get a copy for just $20. Heck I may get me a new copy to play the Dark side that my friend says it is fun to play and sucks being on the lightside. But you can play both sides of the games for replay value.