A brilliant and immersive RPG on it's own merits, and possibly the best Star Wars story told since...well, ever!
And in a single game, Bioware gave new life to both.
The turned based combat always feels kinetic, thanks to the whooshing of lightsabers. The story did more to expand a childhood wonderland that was in danger of collapsing on itself, and had the greatest plot twist since "I am your father!"
Instead of embracing what could have been a crutch of the current state of Star Wars, Bioware chose to tell a tale long before, yet hit enough fundamentals along the way to expand that universe outward, and all the while, told a fantastic story that would have been just as strong without a franchise backing.
The character interaction, especially for it's time, was phenominal. Getting to know your fellow NPC buddies made the game more personal, and made the story deeper.
From the moment I started this game, I couldn't wait to finish. And, I was not dissapointed. At all!
Actually, the story did nothing but grow larger and more immersive with every passing moment.
To this day, I still long for a game to come along like this, that will make me want to call in sick from work, just to immerse myself in something that consumes my imagination as much as KOTOR did. No game has yet to.
This might have been the best game to ever come out of the XBOX platform. It might have been the best turned based RPG to come out in years, and it might have been the best Star Wars story ever told.
For one game to have been all that, is something special indeed.