I bought the game in 2003 and never gotten around to playing it until now, i wish i played it sooner. Best RPG ever...
I bought the game in 2003 and never gotten around to playing it until now, i wish i played it sooner. I don't really like RPG's and after the horrible time i had with Oblivion i put it off even further. I'm not a great fan of Star Wars because the latest 3 movies while they had action has big plot holes and bad acting/scripts. However this game made Star Wars kool again IMO.
The combat may not be to everyones liking and wasn't mine at first but you get used to it and start to like it after awhile. The start of the game aswel could have been better for me, i wasn't really liking the sewer city feel. Once i got to Dant and i moved onto Tatooine (my fave planet) i was really enjoying it alot more. Once you get them light sabers aswel you start to like your character and become more attached.
I did also wish i could have more of a lvoe interest with my characters but i'm a Jedi and not allowed :( I was really fancying that blue Twi'lek called Mission, damn she was hot,
Anyways the Gameplay is really your Standard RPG kinda gameplay however it feels more fun and feel more in a living breathing Star Wars world which sets it apart from others. also in other games like Oblivion the world feels boring and bland but on this one you have a MASSIVE variety.
In the end though it's the Planets/Star Wars/Jedi feel and story that set it miles ahead of the competition IMO.
Even after 4 years the game is look fantastic! Sure it could look better today but it just has a Star Wars feel to it that makes it perfect for the universe. I can't complain here apart from they're getting old if you'll compared them to that new star wars game.
AMAZING, great sound effects and Music and just captures the star Wars feel. I can't complain they're just perfect and the voice acting is GREAT.
I got it for full price back in the day but now its £5-10 and so's the 2nd game so it's perfect and it took me just abit over 80 hours to complete the main storyline with no help from hints and cheats or walkthroughs.
All in all if you like RPG games Star Wars or even just want to play something Fantastic then play this game. To me it's the best RPG ever made and i didn't even really like Star Wars or RPG's before hand but i'll be buying the KOTOR2 and waiting for a third :)