You'll find KOTOR is easily one of the best Xbox games to ever exist, IMO even challenging games like Halo for the honor
When I first started, I played roughly 3 hours, and was somewhat disappointed, not understanding what all the hype was about. But it took just getting over the initial boring "hump" of the game and was soon completely immersed in the world and caught up in the pace.
The fact of the matter is, Kotor is probably paced better then any video game in existence, offering a nice consistently moving storyline with action, boss battles, and puzzles to keep you interested at almost all times. I'd say the biggest drawback to the game is the technical issues (constant loading times, sometimes unimpressive graphics, and bugs)...otherwise your looking at a game with more depth then any other STAR WARS game in existence.
You'll find KOTOR is easily one of the best Xbox games to ever exist, IMO even challenging games like Halo for the honor.