Although I cannot find it in me to agree with the d20 mechanic, I cannot deny a great Star Wars story and experience.
User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
For those who have not read my blog on this game, I made it pretty clear how I did not enjoy playing the game with, what I understood to be, a virtual 1d20 core mechanic. From what I have read in the manual and online, the game randomly selects a number from one to twenty, and then adds modifiers which will determine whether or not you have a high enough number to successfully deliver a hit or disarm a mine or complete a saving throw. What I realized after having read the manual was that the player will be making her way through the game with an unseen die, which will determine wheter or not the character has a high enough number to negotiate whatever obstacle that comes to pass. Upon realizing this 'folly,' I asked myself, "Why are video game developers using this archaic mechanic in what should have been more of an action role-playing game?" I would not be surprised to receive negative commentary from 'Dungeons & Dragons' fanatics about my distaste for the d20 system. I believe that such a role-playing system should be left to the table-top role-playing games and left out of videogames. In addition to that, perhaps the d20 system made sense in videogames in the early seventies and onto the late eighties; a time when game consoles could not really deliver on the action. To find the d20 system on the XBOX is almost inexcusable; to put it a bit harshly. I believe that the developers could have found a more 'pick-up-and-play' approach to 'Knights of the Old Republic.' Aside from the d20 gameplay mechanic, I must say that BioWare Corp. did an outstanding job with the story. Based on story alone, I can see how KOTOR has come to win so many awards. After having completed the game, I find myself thinking I will not forget the many adventures and quests in saving that 'galaxy far far away.' Making my way through the game, I also thought that the writers did a brilliant job at defining the struggle within Jedis - between the Light and Dark sides of the force. Having gone through the Light side of the force in my first play-through, I now seek the dark side. Due to KOTORs fairly open-ended gameplay, I find the game to have a pretty high re-play value. There are different scenarios that play out when pursuing the Dark side. I must also add that BioWare did an especially wonderful job at creating such beautiful, and equally dark, worlds. I can hardly describe how visually stunning the game is. Of course many of the ideas and locales came from the mind of George Lucas. BioWare, however, expanded on Lucas' brilliance by delving further into the Star Wars history. Before KOTOR I was not aware of the the Infinite Empire and the Rakata. Upon learning their dark history, the world of Star Wars felt more believable. In addition to touching on history, I especially appreciated how the artists created an 'aged' look. I would often find myself switching to first-person within the game to admire the many droids and species; including their unique attire. Although I am not well versed in everything Star Wars, I thought the look of the game depicted an era well before the 'Phantom Menace.' May the force be with BioWare for developing a very involving Star Wars game, and to those who struggle with the d20 system.