This game is one of the best RPGs every made.

User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
This game is definetly worth any RPG or Star Wars fan. This game has revolutionary game play and superb graphics. You create your own character as well as your attributes. You also go through jedi trials and pick your lightsaber color to define your strenghts. You can change and modify your lightsaber throughout the game. You can also have up to 2 party members with you at a time. Each character has alot of side missions for you to unlock and they each have a huge story behind each of them. You can also paly as anyone in your party as you choose. You run around killing enimies and looking for things called star maps. This game is like another universe that you play in. If you like Star Wars and even if you don't this is a must buy.