It wasn't what I was expecting, so I didn't care for it. Doesn't it mean it isn't a good game. Just not my kind of game.

User Rating: 5.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
SW: KOTR is a role playing game. I have to be honest, I'm not much of an RPG fan, so I didn't get into it that much. I was hoping for more of a first-person shooter type of style and gameplay, so I was disappointed. But, that being said, that's my fault, not the game's. I guess the main reason I tried this game was because I'm a Star Wars fan. I figured it was worth a try. From a Star Wars fan perspective, it's an OK game. Because it's set thousands of years before the stories we know and love, it is a little hard to get into it. The characters, locations and technologies are all very different than what I'm used to. Still, there is a "Star Wars" feel to it. I can't say much about the gameplay because, like I said, I don't have much experience with RPGs and therefore can't compare it to much. I can comment on the graphics and sound, thought. Both of which are very good. The sounds is clear and has many great effects. The music is there and adds to the ambience without getting in the way. Just as it should in my opinion. From a graphics standpoint, KOTR is also very good. The details and environments are very well done and gives the game a very polished feel. As I said, I can't give you too much information on this compared to other RPGs. All I can say is that if you're an RPG fan, you'll probably like it. If you're a Star Wars fan but don't care for RPGs (like me), rent it first. If you're a Star Wars fan and like RPGs, you should love this.