If you play this game for ten minutes, you will put down the controller and slap yourslef.
One is the fact that it is sluggish. Everything is slow. You will find yourself walking at 1/4 mile per hour. Even the speed of taking out your lightsaber is slow.
Another is that the game will take you less than an hour to fully master it. There's just arcade mode and multiplayer mode. If you complete the arcade mode you will unlock Darth Vader. But he's the same as everyone else. So besides that there's no extras or anything.
The game tries to be Mortal combat in a way. But it's a very stripped down MK. There are no combos. You play as the cast from episode VI. Luke,Han,Chewy,Vader and more. They can either use thier fists or some sort of beat-stick like a lightsaber or something. But like I said,it's very stripped down.
Master of Teras Kasi has many flaws and overall it sucked. Even some hardcore Star Wars fans will dislike it. Please,do everyone a favor and don't go near this game.