This is a great game but does it really look up to its predessesors?!
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Republic Commando XBOX
Republic commando is the best Star Wars game i ever played. It is aswell as a great first person shotter. A great feature (and my favorite personally) is the first person from the veiw from the helmet. It makes you feel like you really are in the game. Another good feature is the ability to control the squad in CAMPAIGN MODE! Now we all now that Halo 2 was a Big dissapointment and every one was pissed off. Well...........It's Freakin gold compared this game. There are not that many modes to play. Now what i was really hoping for is that you can control you squad like in Campagin mode. Over all the multiplayer ultimatly disappointing. So gamers out there if you want to buy this game, buy it for the campaign mode!