too short "shame"

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: Republic Commando XBOX
i only rented the title but i was sorly dissapointed by the single player simply too short only saved by the multiplayer which still wasnt that good im a huge fan of star wars but this was worse then any star war titles bar none. the weapon variety was good ranging from the standard pistol to a geonosion evaporator the levels range from geonosis to kashyk with some random ship in between. squad members ai was slow for example we were in a room filled with debris i ordered one to go take a sniper position one to take a heavy anti armor position and the last to be a grenadier while i opened the door and fall back instead however the sniper stood there caught in a glitch not able to move the grenadier bombed the anti armor whlie i had to deal with a droideka 4 super battle droids and 6 standard droids. the most fun you can have in the game is cutting down the geonosion spawn with a wookie rocket launcher.(or watching your stupid team mates being decimated by 2 of grievous' bodygaurds.