Best Star Wars shooter yet!

User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars: Republic Commando PC
To start out, this Star Wars game has been completely purged of any jedi action, force abilities and shiny lightsabers, thus the player taking the role of the leader of Delta squad, the most skilled clone troopers of the republic.I won't say more so that you can discover the rest for yourselves.First, the graphics.The engine that powers the visuals of this jewel is the Unreal engine which does a remarcable job if not even incredible for an engine of its age the caracters are very detailed and the envoironments are a delight to watch.Now let's talk about gameplay.This may be the only downside of the game, but still good enough to keep you playing.It's a very easy game, because when you die you can be revived by your teammates, thus making any mistake cost very little but it balances the odds because you may end up dying a lot in this game.Also, you can control your teammates with commands to which they respond very quickly and are not a waste because their AI is advanced enough to do the job.The game is very linear and pretty short, which may make some people unhappy, but the few hours of the game have a lot of action and compensate for the length.The sound is great, with the Star Wars themes intact.The worst side of the game is the multiplayer.It's pretty dull and ordinary and it all resumes to mindless shooting, a multiplayer like in Brothers in Arms not making a benefic appearance in this game.All in all, this game is great and can stand along with the greatest shooters of this century.All Star Wars fans and shooter lovers must play this!!!