It felt more of a Console game rather than a PC one...
I thought the Star Wars was there but quite often id forget i'm playing a Star Wars game and just wouldn't know what to think. However the opening Scenes were pretty kool and reminded me alot of Oposing force.
The controls were pretty bad IMO and for some reason i could never get the mouse sensitivity that i wanted which was pretty strange. i didn't like the way it was all done here but this is something you can tweak. I thought the sounds were pretty plain and the game didn't make the best use of Star Wars Music. Which is pretty odd seeing as all other Star Wars games do.
It doesn't look great and is pretty dated but it's playable, however a game from 2005 i woulda expected more from it here,
It's also a pretty short game and the multiplayer might aswel no be there cause theres noone playing and it wasn't very fun anyways.
The whole game just felt very Console and the way you controlled your friendlys didn't make much sense to me at all on the PC and i felt quite a few things to get on my nerves. I think you can tell it was designed for Console, which i hate for PC games.
Overall it's a ok game, just not AMAZING. You'll have fun with it for awhile but not something to remember. If you like Star Wars games then you'll probally want to play this. I'm a huge FPS fan however and didn't really enjoy it all that much.