I was a bit disappointed this game's concept of diffculty It was hard on some levels and then it gets so massivly
The game starts to you off at Episode 6:Death Star Attack,where Luke fires the Proton Torpedo and blah blah blah. It gets very tiring once and a while.
First objective:Blow the shield towers,after that you thought I can go and destroy the Thermal Exhaust Port but nope, you gotta destroy a whole Squadron of TIE Fighters. Which is easy since their armor are a piece of nerf (sorry about the SW talk).
Overall the games score
Sound/Audio:It wasn't very bad. You had the old music score from the movies,and a little guest star Dennis Lawson:Wedge Antillies. B+
Gameplay:It was easy at first then it came to the extremes of a real dog-fighting game. (No Micheal Vicks refrence there) A-
Style of game:I liked the whole Star Wars/Dogfighting style, but it gets annoying after a while George. C+
Overall Score:6.5/10 C+
Hey congrats you finally passed, check out my Game Rater on my old file stevepower and check to see if it's any good.
See you next review.