A really fun game, just an old classic worth playing!
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64
Really fun to play is all i have to say as that is what it is, zooming through the skys as a range of different space ships blowing up the empire is just lain fun. The ships you get to fly depend ont the mission but after completing all of the normal missions (not the bonus missions) you can do any mission in any ship. As already metioned you get bonus missions after you get all bronzes you get a bonus mission and its the same for all silvers and all golds. If you get all golds first time through youll get all the bonus missions at once. You can even fly as a bad guy in the tie intercepter which you unlock after completing the fith level or play as a walker and blow up several villages on the ground by entering a cheat (but i wont tell you what it is) The game offers lots of things to do, but the graphics arent good but the rest is really good, for all those star wars fans out there. (an i know theres millions)