One of the best games ever.
User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
This game is great. Challenging at times and oh so satisfying to kick some Imperial behind. Gameplay is top-knotch with the addition of some solid ground missions and overly fun multiplayer. My favorite is rampage where you can take your anger out on various structures. Dogfights and capture the flag are solid. The one down point of the game is the graphics. They seem to be worse than in Rogue Squadron 2. The sound is great with blaster sounds and the narrator who tries to imitate James Earl Jones but does so badly. :) I got it for a great price. This game will keep me playing for a buch of more hours. Even after beating the game, it's fun to go back and play various missions. Buy this game and cherish the moment!