OK for those that have played the game, you know what I am talking about: Targeting. Here is the most fundamental aspect of third person shooters and shooting levels. This game has NO adjustable targeting. You get an auto target, that you can't adjust, and when you are surrounded by enemies, all shooting at you, and the computer THINKS you want to shoot the StormTrooper behind the wall (that you can't see) instead of one sitting three feet in front of you, shooting you, there is an issue there I think. Also what is with the glitchy graphics on Vader’s cape in some cut scenes? Or the uneven difficulty? Some levels are hard as Hell, like the Hoth mission once you have to defend the Rebel Transports from TIE Bombers. I just don't get it LucasArts. You make a game on the classic Trilogy, and it is basically just a rehash of Rogue Leader, but with new missions. Also this game sets un-realistic timers for the medals. I don’t know about any of you, but when I purchase a game, I don't want to have to rush through it and miss the gameplay experience. Oh, AND WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET RID OF THE SAME MUSIC THAT HAS BEEN IN ALL 300 STAR WARS GAMES!!! If this was a PC game, this would make a great expansion pack, I just don't think it warrants a full retail purchase. There are too many flaws in the game. Mu summary: If you played the other three, pass this one by, or rent it, you're not missing anything that was not done before, and better.
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Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II was a part of the Gamecube's launch lineup, and it was also arguably the greatest game of the bunch. Not only did it feature visuals that were an impressive technical display of ... Read Full Review
This game has an amazing level of play. If you like piloting, you can fly all you want, and that's what the game's mostly based around. But what if you like running around on the ground? You got it, this game is multidim... Read Full Review