A bit disappointing ...
For starters, the game looks great. It looks far superior to Rogue Leader and comes that much closer to looking like the movies. The sound is just as good and improved and even features some newly composed music that fits well with the classic tunes.
The missions are varied and exciting and flying levels are much better than the ones in Rogue Leader. But, Factor 5 threw in some on foot missions that are fun ... but just don't match the quality of the flying missions. The speeder missions are great, the walker ones are too, but I wanted to see more flying missions because they were so great in this game.
The multiplayer is fun and exciting. The coop mode is superb and the versus battles are fun. It is worth buying this game just for the multiplayer.
The gripe I had with the first game, over it's difficulty, is gone on this one but a new gripe is here: it's difficulty. Now the game is too easy. I blasted through this game in a matter of hours and was achieving silver and gold medals on my first time through. This is not the change in difficulty I wanted.
This game is great and fun. If you liked the first one, you will like this one. But it was a little disappointing. But you should go and get this game because the multiplayer is just amazing.