The force is definitely with the vehicular missions but I sense a disturbance with the on-foot portions.
User Rating: 7.8 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
Rebel Strike follows the tradition of the first two Rogue Squadron games by letting you take control of Star Wars ships. Once again you'll experience the coolness of taking on the Empire on board an X-Wing fighter or a Speeder. And once again the game ranks your performance by awarding medals, which you can use to unlock bonus missions and ships. New vehicles have been included such as the Imperial 'Chicken' Walker and Episode II's Jedi Starfighter. The Speeder Bike is also a new addition and it provides some of the game's most thrilling moments, like the recreation of the speeder bike chase in the Endor forest from Episode VI. A particularly good thing about Rebel Strike is that the game is two or three times as big as Rogue Leader was. There's twice the amount of missions that was in Rogue Leader, and as if that wasn't enough, the entire Rogue Leader game is included in an new co-op mode.
But not everything is great about Rebel Strike. For the first time in the series, you can now participate in on-foot missions. And this is where the game stumbles. These on-foot missions are tedious. You blast a seemingly endless number of bad guys and you never really have control of where you aim. Just whoever is closer to you and then start button-mashing like crazy until he falls and then on to the next one. There's also a couple of platforming levels that feel totally out of place.
Despite the mediocrity of the on-foot bits, Rebel Strike is definitely worth playing for the vehicular missions alone. They're simply a blast to play.