Unfortunately for this game, Rogue Leader came out before. This game is fun, solid and includes lots of cool bonuses.

User Rating: 9.2 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
Some say you only fall in love once. It must have been really hard for these guys to top the overall quality of RL and it shows.

Gameplay: even more varied than RL and just as addictive and fun. But the missions are sometimes too easy, even though you have more enemies this time, but RL was so good it should have been obvious that this time around players would already have many Gold Medals before. Keeping this in mind, the developpers should have offered more challenging missions and even tougher enemies. Instead they opted for variety for variety´s sake and came up with some dull walking parts inbetween exciting craft and vehicle battles.

Graphics / Sounds: visually this is one solid game. Some improvements over RL (for example, you can see TIEs in the dark now), and more varied backgrounds this time around. Lots of details and excellent models keep the Lucas guys ahead of he pack. The sound did not improve much, in fact it is worse than RL, but its definitely still above average.

Value: You read all the comparisons and reviews to RL?? well, this game includes a Co-op multiplayer version of Rogue Leader. Then you get some other cool multiplayer modes, a lenghtier game and the best bonus missions Star Wars fans could ever hope for. Then... you get 2 old school arcade treasures...

The only drawback to this game is that one thing can be new only once. So the developpers had to go all out looking for ways to impress, this is not bad! but sometimes leads to simple mistakes. Other than that this is one hell of a fun, top quality game.