Ultimately Rebel Strike falls short of the expectations after the seminal Rogue Leader.

User Rating: 7.2 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
Now im sure alotta people would tell me im being blashpemous here. Well I dont care. The fact is Rebel Strike just doesnt cut it compared to the other rogue squadron games. It's not that its a bad game.. it just isnt that great. This is unforgiveable for a rogue squadron title. The main problem is that at many sections in the very short levels, you are forced into goddammit terrible sections of platforming with a gun. This in theory may have been a good idea. Now we know.. it plain sux. The flight sections are typically high quality but this is marred by the fact that this seems to be just half the game. On a higher note, the graphics in this game are nothing short of phenominal. Seriously. I dont think even the playstation 3 will be able to better this. The lighting is atmospheic and all the effects are mind-blowing. some levels of the game are great fun, such as getting to control an AT-ST at various times and kicking imperial ass. Also the developers have finally ditched the cliched 'circle the AT-AT to send it crashing down' technique. This time you can tow a bomb or just shoot it repeatedly in the head.. if I remember correctly.

The second big problem with this game is one that really affects gameplay. The graphics are astounding, but you can never take it all in. You have about 2 minutes to stop an imperial craft from escaping and every level rushes you to the end inn some way. Protect the transpot, dont let the sruiser get away. This is typical for rogue squadron but not to this extent. Rogue leader at least let u enjoy the graphics and fly around having fun such as that level in Bespin where there was no hurry to destroy the generators at all. This time its like the game hates you and just wants to turn itself off, and so rushes you through every part of the game.

In all, Rebel Strike is good, but not that good. Worth a rent... yeah totally. But thats as far as it goes.