A sequel to Rogue Leader, this game expands more on the star wars we have grown accustomed to...
User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
if you have played the first rogue squadron on the n64, this game is very similar to it. the most striking aspect is the graphics which are very detailed. the flying levels are perfect and the camera works efficiently. the ground missions on walkers is fun and like above the camera works nice. however, factor 5 included on foot missions with sort of decay the experience a little since the camera is really crappy and u have no control over it. the inclusion of a two player multiplayer mode would have been better if it was four... but im not complaining. the option to play rogue leader in two player co op is fun and a nice touch as long as your partner can play well. Overall a solid star wars game not based on the sucky prequels. If u want to relive the old days of star wars lore, this game is a good choice.