User Rating: 8.4 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
Factor 5 aimed high with Rebel Strike, but didn’t hit all of the targets dead on… The on foot mission start off feeling terrible and clunky from everything to targeting and maneuvering complicated by a rigid camera. Thankfully the flight missions are very well done overall. Anyone besides me who played the Super Star Wars trilogy of games back on the SNES by Sculptured Software. I guess that’s the primary reason why I ended up enjoying the on foot missions, crazy as it sounds, except for the Sarlacc pit which punished missed jumps with death. Gameplay: 8 Factor 5 once again delivers a fun and engaging arcade like game with mission based objectives. The mech combat, okay AT-ST combat, feels much better than the onfoot missions probably because Factor 5 has done so many vehicle based combat games in the past. On foot missions don’t necessarily feel sloppy, but are frustrating at times. Graphics: 9 The Nintendo Gamecube hardware is both easy to program (relatively speaking of course!) and powerful. If you need a game to showcase the capabilities of the Cube’ get this game. Wonderful eye candy and detailed models which extends to the on foot missions as well!!! Sound: 8 Pretty good overall, but we’ve all heard the same blaster effect taken from the movies so many times in the past! The best part of the sound is the well done music which doesn’t rely on the main themes as much and the oh so hot Disco remix! Value: 9 Lots and lots of game play. Co-op and single-player contain large helpings of content and unlockeables. The Rebel Strike Documentary and Easter Eggs such as the vector based arcade games give incentive to roughing out the games difficult missions which become easy after awhile save for the frustration sometimes encountered on the on foot missions. Tilt: 8 IT’S STAR WARS!!! The gameplay falters here and there, but the game has so much heart that it doesn’t feel so bad overlooking the shortcomings in the game. Certain missions mix both movie cutscenes and onfoot missions into the standard vehicle based combat formula that draws the player into some of the movies scenes. Running down a corridor at the “secret” base on Hoth and spotting Darth Vader cause me to giggle from me.