Rebel Strike is yet another great Rouge Squadron game.
Also the auto aim makes it very easy to kill the enemies and turns it into a button masher at times that isn’t too challenging, but it is still very fun to play these battles. The only other negative to the on foot mode is the steady camera isn’t the best in the world. It doesn’t inhibit the gameplay but occasionally can be annoying on a certain area, usually when running to the next battle. The entire vehicle Gameplay is as perfect as it’s ever been. The only nit picking to the gameplay is on the foot parts of some missions and doesn’t hurt the game at all.
The graphics are great as always, but some of the character models for the on foot stuff, up close, could use a little work, but from the distance your normally playing at they look fine. Only the cut scenes are where they look a little under polished. The sound is awesome, with great Star Wars movie themes and realistic to the movie sounds of battle and the sound effects from the vehicles and people are great.
The game has quite a few stages, more then Rouge Squadron 2 and features multiplayer and co-op modes. So there is definitely more game time then RS2, more like the original in the amount of missions and has all new multiplayer systems so you have hours of endless fun. Overall, it maintains what’s great about the Rouge Squadron series, and adds new elements that are also just as fun and don’t disgrace the integrity of the series.