Very solid sequel to the 2nd rogue squadron series although flawed it is a well put together game.
User Rating: 8.3 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
I have always been a huge fan of star wars games and a even bigger fan of the rouge squadron series. This 3rd installment to the series was a fun experience for me although it didnt blow me away like the 2nd one did i still had as much fun as I did with the 1st one. The graphics as always in the RS series are nice and crisp ( good to play on a flat screen LCD or plasma) learning curve is very easy you only need to use the stick and the A button most of the time. My only complaint with this title is the 3rd person out of the cockpit parts of the missions they werent flushed out as much as i wanted them to be plus the controlling for your character is very very loose. But this game will have you coming back time and time again just to unlock the many secrets in this game. Good solid fun 8.3 from me.