Not as good as Rogue Squadron II and lacks quite a bit.
User Rating: 8.4 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
On foot! Luke jumps 6 feet in the air when u press "X"! Very extravagant. This third installment feels lacking. The models of all the vehicles are great and most of the enviroments are awesome. But its as though the Factor 5 team focused too much on some areas and not enough in other areas. For example, the foot levels are utter crap while wen in ur in the air its great fun. Same with the graphics, some textures are better than others and Luke's mouth doesn't open wen he talks!
Also i encountered some problems with the music. In the training levels the music would start then stop 2 seconds in then just start over again.
I do like this game but in my opinion Rogue Squadron II is better as a game in whole.