Good For Its Time But Don't Think About Playing It Now Days !!!!!! Fun For About Half A Year.
Now i used to play this as a kid all the time!!!!!!
If there was one game that i had to take with me when i took my N64 somewhere it would most likely be this and Mairo Kart 64 because both these games have one thing that many other N64 games didn't have Funarenomcphee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Trash Man Boss Is The Most Annoying Boss Of All Time I Might Add!!!!!
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire was the first Star Wars game of the N64 series, this featured a dude named Dash Rendar, a friend of Han Solo. This was one of the VERY earlier series of Star Wars. I got this game with my birthday money and when i first played it i thought this game was pretty cool. This was a pretty fun launch game for this time of gaming when the N64 was just young...... You're Dash Rendar, you're out to stop the evil forces of the emperor. You go throughout 10 different areas to complete various tasks and destroy certain things. You are joined with your companion robot, Leebo, who gives you valuable information and helps pilot the ship for you. You are both teamed up to stop that butt-ugly emperor and restore peace to the.....umm galaxy!! Graphics: Okay, so compared to today's graphics, the graphics in SOTE aren't so great, but back then, they were the best I had ever seen. The lasers, the vehicles, and the characters are all well done. The best part is how when you kill someone, unlike in most games, the people you kill never disappear, which really adds a touch of realisticness (is that a word? If it isn't I'm going to write to Oxford and demand they put it in their next dictionary) There are two reasons the graphics lost points. One was that the explosions looked really lousy. That alone would have kept the score a ten, but the Wampas and that weird thing you see in the beginning of the Beggar's Canyon level look awful. I don't even know how to describe them except for the fact they look really choppy.
I think the graphics are really good. They are not as good as a computer, but they are good for a Nintendo 64. When flying in space, the graphics are at there best. They are still good when doing ground missions, but not as good when flying in space. However, sometimes the game can be very glitchy. A good example of this is when you turn right at a wall, you can see the next room or the camera will go all choppy. Gameplay : The gameplay of this game is above average. The difficulty is decent and the layout of levels are VERY long. It will take you a while to play through these difficult levels. You have a choice between what difficulty you want to make: easy, medium, hard, and jedi.
The game is really fun to play. The first level takes place during the battle of Hoth. There, you are in a snowspeeder and you have to destroy Probe Droids, then AT-ST's (All-Terrain-Standard-Transports) and then destroy AT-AT's. (All-Terrain-Armored-Transports). In the next level, you play on foot and can pick up different guns and kill enemies with it. (including ginat snowbeasts called Wampas) Then you go into outer space in the horrendous looking Outrider and destroy enemies. So, it's cool how you can control two vehicles and a guy on foot. The reason this section lost points is because the bosses can be really hard...even on easy mode! I remember the first boss took me over half an hour to beat. Fighting Boba Fett in his starship, though, is the hardest of them all. It's very hard to find the spot to hit the bosses, it's even harder to remember where and how you hit them, and it's super hard trying to endure them.
This is the category where the game falters. The control is uunresponsive and hard to move to certain places or jump in the direction you want to. Another thing is the camera angel, it's pretty hard to follow and doesn't cooperate with your location. Sound : The sound here is pretty basic, the gun shot, the scream of pain when hit with a gun shot, nothin out of the ordinary here. The music is pretty cool, some of the themes are directly from some of the Star Wars movies. Well, after you beat the game, you might get pretty bored of this game. But that is unless you want to play at a higher difficulty and get more out of the ending or collect all of the challenge points or something like that. I'd just recommend you rent this game. Chances are you'll get a used version and a lot of the work will be done for you already, so there's really no point in buying it if that's the case.