This game will scare you to death!!!
on the second mission I get nervous and scared because they're were people who would just pop out and scare you and then you shoot'em and kill them!!!
and then thiers these robotic guns that shoot you automaticly and theirs this room that has these health canisters behind some gates the you have to touch a control panel to open them but their are theese giant rock men with nife built into thier hands that are in their too and you have to get passed them fast to get it because it takes a million shots to kill then but if they stab you once or die!!! and then lter yu have to run through this hall quick because the floor starts to split so then you will later lead to this giant room with an at-st in thier to destroy which takes like 5-minutes then you finish the level and get into your ship and go to the next mission.
The third mission is easy. All you do is spin n circles the whole time to kill the enemys i space.
The 4th mission is hard!!! you hve to ump onto train and if you fall of you will sink into quick sand. you have to kill people. and t the end you have to defeat this robot.
The 5th mission i have still not goten pssed because it is hhhhhaaaaarrrrddd!!!!!!! yougeyt out of your ship and you go around killing people then you have to shoot one rock man a milllin times to kill him hten you have to go through these big places and kill people then 5 hours later you get a jetpack ane fly on to theese islands and kill stuff then you go through another station then you have to hover down through some fans and then die and give forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! untill tomarrow that is!!!