Arcade Space Shooter that is OK but nothing special and it's short which is probably a good thing.
Call me a lame noob (I beat all the Wing Commander games back in the day, does that count?) but after having to replay the same frustrating mission repeatedly which involved flying through a very narrow canyon while escorting someone who must live to win the mission, I actually switched to easy mode and failing still, invoked God mode so I could NOT die and I still failed it because the guy being escorted died. I'm sure I could have won this with persistence but at some point, it becomes more frustration than fun and winning under those conditions is not a win at all so I uninstalled it then and there and that was that. If you hit the canyon edge in this run, you die and fail. It's painfully easy to do and you have to ride the brakes the entire time to go slow enough. This wouldn't be so bad but the way the control scheme is setup by default for a gamepad, this is very awkward and error prone when you try to take out enemies and maintain control of your ship in such tight quarters at the same time. However, you need to kill a lot of the bad guys along the way or they kill your escort. So it's a painful process of dying over and over until you get it just right. That to me is not especially fun so I decided I was done at this point in the game.
The graphics are not bad, but nothing to write home about either. The sound and music are good as you might expect from a Star Wars title. Some of the missions were fun but I found them very uneven in terms of difficulty. It isn't like I haven't won plenty of games like this before, but I guess this just wasn't worth the effort to me and that probably says a lot right there.
I'd recommend passing this one by, even for cheap money. There are much better games to be playing than this one.