Star wars: Starfighter AKA Rogue Squadran, This game mirros Rogue squadran, with a lot of identical features however Ga
The cinematics brings a nice touch, good voice acting and you feel for the main character at the start when he looses his teacher. The story jumps around from place to place which can leave you disorintated with the story so you may decided to skip them all the time and you wouldn't really miss anything except you will miss out on the depth of the characters and a couple of the cinimatics have the characters explain some of their specal abilities to their ships things you wouldn't know from the manual or just flying about.
The Game, and game play is simple granted however I knew what I was buying and I figured as much as to what I would be getting.
You get 12 missions, but it's actually 48 missions if you go through them all getting the Silver and Gold medals for completeing certain tasks, each will unlock the bonus missions which gives you good fun and practice to train up on.
The game isn't hard for me and I found it rather easy, simply because I have skill at this sort, not brilliant "TOp gun" type of skill, just having played games like Freespace/Freespace2, Star lancer, and other type of games. Once you've figured out the controls everything becomes second nature to you. This game is one for the Fans of Star wars and perticular for the Fans of Rogue Squadran that wanted and always had the Naboo star fighter mod attached to that game. In a real sense Star Wars :Starfighter is just simply another Rogue squadran just with a different name. You wouldn't be far wrong saying that. However as a fan I really like it. So what can you do.
(look out for some User videos I'll be uploading soon)