Hectic little arcade shooter easily worth the price tag
The gameplay is pretty simple, there are 3 ship types in the game each with two weapon types. You can also issue orders to your wingmen but on easy difficulty it can be ignored most of the time. The keyboard+mouse controls didn't seem very good to me, for one the mouse seems to be inverted with no option to change it. But with a gamepad flying is easy and fun.
The missions are pretty straightforward with little room for tactics. There are some "escort" mission types which I normally don't like as it easily leads to trial and error kind of gameplay, but as the game is short you don't really become frustrated by it. The combat is purely arcade, enemy fighters are quick and easy to take down, gunships and other biggers enemies are destroyed by slowing down and keeping the trigger squeezed. But it's fun, I especially liked bombing enemy tanks and taking on dozens of enemy fighters in the small yellow starfighter from Episode 1.
Visually the game holds up quite well, some of the textures aren't up to current standards and the effects are nothing to write home about, but the ship models, weapon fire and backgrounds such as planets all look splendid, and those are what you'll be mostly looking at. Downside was the lack of native high res widescreen support, but you can easily add it through registry with instructions from WSGF. It still leaves black bars on the sides but at least nothing is stretched and mostly in space you won't even notice them.
The game is very short and there is no multiplayer, but the story is okay and it's carried out well enough through cutscenes and constant cockpit chatter. Sounds are the standard Star Wars stuff, and that's a good thing, John Williams soundtrack and weapon sounds from the movies leave little room for improvement.
All in all it's a good choice for anyone looking for some lighthearted pick up and play space action.