Good game but needs work on a few things.
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels WII
When I first played this game it wasn't very fun and it may seem like that at first, but when once I beat campaign mode and once I unlocked the character from campaign mode then it got really better. It's fun but is hard until you get the hang of it. There are some improvments it needs though such as longer campaign mode, missions, more characters,bigger battlefields, and it is hard to do combos due to the fact that the attacks go up not down and down not up at times. Overall this game is good to check out but not a game to decide if you like it or not just by playing it once. It may also lack in the "star wars" enjoyment if you stay on "youngling" difficulty once you are getting better in skill so I think adding multi-difficulties is good. So if you are not a hardcore starwars fan then rent it, but if you are a hardcore starwars fan then i'd advise ignoring the rating and try this game out.