There are too many faults in Jedi Alliance to keep it lasting you a while.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance DS
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance is based on the Clone Wars TV show, and let me just say, it stays incredibly close to it.
The game includes voice acting and nice cutscenes that really makes it look like the Clone Wars. I've never seen a DS game with so much voiced cutscenes.

You control two Jedi with your Nintendo DS stylus. The cool thing is that every level you can choose a different set of Jedi with choice of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Kit Fisto , Master Plo, OB1 - Kenobi or Mace Windu. So let's say you played the level SEDAWAN and chose Anakin and Kit Fisto. And then if you came back to the SEDAWAN level with a different set of Jedi the cutscenes will be different!

I'm going to start getting into the goods and bads and that should show you why Jedi Alliance will hardly last you a month.

*Rather good graphics.
*Heaps of cutscenes including the voices from the show.
*Makes great use of the stylus.
*Feels a lot like the Clone Wars
*It's funny watching the CPU do all the work while you just stand and watch the battle.
*Nice open worlds.
*Story is interesting.

*Camera view is either too close or too far away
*Touch screen controls are often unresponsive when using the force.
*CPU is hopeless when it comes to opening doors together - I actually had to push him to get him to use the force on the door.
*Combat is repetitive and annoying - I don't feel like the stylus is my lightsaber when all I'm doing is tapping repetitively on my enemy.
*Voice acting is very weak.
*Action sequences are boring because all your doing is just tracing a line to perform some awesome moves - I wish you could actually control what your doing in these sequences instead of just tracing a line.
*Characters are slow especially when it comes to R2-D2 and C3P0.
*Checkpoints are normally far away from where you were up to.
*Only nine levels until you finish the game.
*Every level has the same music.

Well, that's it. Yikes. There are more BADS than GOODS.
What do you think? Am I going a little hard on this game? Well, I'm going to give it a 7.0 because it does stay true to Star Wars, and if you're looking for a Star Wars DS game, this will be your best go.
