Editor's Say - "Bad" "This is a terrible game, it is" Find out what i thought...

User Rating: 3 | Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes PS3
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]

Good sound effects


Repetitive combat and environmental puzzles – Awful camera views – Abysmal game-play – Poor A.I. – Redundant voice acting – Uninteresting plot


Boring, enough said.


Republic Heroes takes place between season 1 and season 2 of the Star Wars animated TV series. Play as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano as well as other characters for the series, on a multi-faceted adventure to stop a techno assassin's destructive plot. The game is presented in 3 acts of pure boredom and unsatisfying settings.


The visuals, are bad. They may have passed last generation but overall (for this generation) dull modelling, characters, and level design.


The game-play is boring. Republic Heroes consists of pressing the same button over and over, and over again, with no through process in combos or being enjoyable at all. As you play through the game, you will play through characters one by one, ranging from clone troopers to Jedi's. Playing as a clone trooper you'll use a blast gun, and playing as a Jedi you'll be using the force and your trusty lightsaver, but it does not matter which character you play because they all function the same. I find playing as the close trooper better, because at least you can see where you are (sometimes). The main problem with Republic Heroes (despite being everything) is the camera view, it's atrocious. When in combat it's hard to see and tell where exactly your character really is. Majority of the time you'll just wish the camera would zoom in so you can see what the hell is going on, which will result in you jump all around just to see where you are. In addition to the bad camera view, comes the platforming. Jumps has to be done accurate but due to the bad camera movement and position, it can sometime (if not all the time) be hard to tell and judge if the ledge/platform/pipe (or whatever your trying to jump to) is directly in front of your character or not causing you to make trail and error jumps. Your enemies are what you would expect in a Star Wars game, but in Republic Heroes, your enemies are stupid, and I don't mean that in the traditional scene. The A.I. is horrible. No thought of challenge at all. You can mount on top of certain enemies and control them, which can be pretty fun (maybe) but as you keep playing, it ends up being just repetitive and something you kind of have to do to progress through the game i.e. you use a certain enemy to shoot down something in thee environment to proceed. Through your playthrough, you can collect orbs that form your currency in which you can buy upgrades, and special abilities to make your enemies dance etc, much like Ratchet and Clank, but the only difference is, Ratchet and Clack is a good game.
Republic Heroes can be played in co-op, which is good because you can share the badness with a friend.

Overall the game-play is redundant, boring and not fun at all. It's not difficult, but it's almost unplayable due to its massive faults. Plus the fact that there is no game-over make the game far to easy.


No Online Multiplayer

*****SOUND DESIGN*****

The only good thing about the game is the sound design. Despite the poor voice talent, the sound effects and music is rather good. But not enough to save the game.

*****LIFE VALUE*****

Unless you're playing for the trophies (which I can't see any other reason why you would play this game, unless it's to see how bad it is), Republic Heroes life value is close to nothing, with it few hours length campaign.


I'm not a hardcore Star Wars fan. I like the original first three movie as I was growing up but I've never really been overly interested in the games, TV series, and the last three movies. However, as a gamer I did find Republic Heroes a pretty bad game indeed. The type of "BAD" that will make you laugh as to just how bad it really is. The awkward camera views, the boring game-play, the redundant voice acting, the bad level design, and the annoying Yoda disrupting the game all the time makes Republic Heroes funny (not in a good way funny), and not worth the play at all. The only positive thing about the game is the sound design, which was not enough to save this game.


I would not recommended this game to anyone, even if you're a fan of Star Wars.


Story - 3/10
Online Multiplayer - N/A
Life Value - 2/10

Presentation - 2/10
Graphics - 3/10
Atmosphere - 2/10
Game-Play - 3/10
Controls - 3/10
Sound Effects - 5/10
Concept - 3/10

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]