Shallow, boring, uninspired, fustrating and repetitive
+ If you enjoyed the animated series you might get something from it
- Boring and limited gameplay
- Fustrating jump challenges
- Repetetive
SW: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes, what a simply awful game.. there's not much to say because of its sheer shallow and uninspired gameplay, it's boring jump and kill tasks will not entertain you for long, in fact it may not even last you until the end of the game before you just get so fustrated. I reccomend if you have unfortunately got a copy of this game you burn it, or recycle it even if you were given it for free..!
But if you were given it for free you wouldn't be checking out reviews for the game, so really- I don't like this game.. everything about it is done to a poor standard.. apart from the mediocre licensed soundtrack and comic style graphics, maybe if your a huge fan of the series and possibly of the younger age you could enjoy it.. but it's a slim chance as there's little fun to be found in jumping through pillars again and again, then mashing the square button to slash at hordes of droids that are simply no challenge.
Just, don't buy it if you're expecting it to be the next Force Unleashed, because it's not, it's all the things I've said above, and I would gladly say it again, it's just not worth the money- I highly reccomend just checking out videos of how the game acctually plays and before long you'll understand WHY ;) Not as much as you would if you acctually played it though, so if you want to play a terrible game, then buy it.