Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes is simply hilariously broken.
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes follows the concept of the Clone Wars Episodes. It's a platformer like action adventure game, with very few strengths and lots of weaknesses. First the good, or in this case, what's not bad:
The environments look detailed and are huge. The story is acceptable and some of the levels are decent designed and do contain some joy.
However, that's nothing compared to the bad of the game. The game is flawed in many ways. The camera for example picks way to often terrible angles. You can play the game with a friend, but then the camera gets even worse.
Then there are those technical bugs and glitches. There are some control issues where your Character runs or jumps in a different direction than you actually wanted him to go/jump.
The combat is shallow and repetitive, you are only shaking your Wii-remote to swing your light saber to slice enemies into little pieces.
The game also runs pretty bad, and the animations are clunky, choppy and right to the point terrible. The lip sinking especially had me sighing.
There is very little fun to be had in Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes. The camera is annoying and the game is simply broken with terrible animations, numerous technical glitches and controls that are also glitched. Though, it was so broken actually that the game became entertaining again, we were just laughing our heads off while playing this game together, shame there wasn't multiplayer for up to four persons, it would have been even more chaotic. But on a more serious note: Stay away from this game.
+ the levels are okay
+ story is acceptable
+ environments are huge and look pretty decent
- technical bugs and glitches
- multiple control quirks
- terrible animations and awful lip sinking
- shallow, repetitive combat
- awful camera angles at times
Review Score: 3.5/10