Fun for all Fanboys
While the game is now considered rare, that does not make it a masterpiece. It has many things going for it, but is far from perfect.
The story is good, and loosely based on the film. The game does include missions that explain some minor things that weren’t in the film. Players start the game as Mace Windu, and have to lead all the Jedi from the film into the battle on Geonosha. Lucas Arts made sure the story stayed true to the material, and they deserve respect in that area.
The graphics are decent, but do not hold a candle to the more recent Star Wars offerings (either Battlefront installment or Episode III). The Jedi and Droid characters appear very blocky and pixilated, though vehicles are presented pretty well.
The controls are very simple, and players will only use one of the analog sticks to control vehicles or playable characters. This will throw off people accustomed to typical vehicle driving/fighting games, or the Battlefront series. The simple controls are easy once you get used to them, but tend to be a little frustrating both ways. Sometimes you cannot target exactly what you want, other times the game targets certain enemies for you with players having to do almost nothing. Both experiences tend to disconnect players from the game.
When playing as a Jedi, prepare for them to move much slower than playable characters in other titles. Again, the controls are dumbded down. Your Jedi will jump and flip at random times, despite the fact that there isn’t necessarily a “jump” button.
The sound is adequate, and overall gameplay is fun. This is a good game for any gamer who likes to shoot lots of weapons without much complication. The simple controls do add a lot of pick-up-and-playability, and selectable difficulty levels make it accessible to everyone.
I recommend this title to all die-hard Star Wars fans just for the nostalgia of it. While it may not be a fantastic game, it is one of the better Star Wars games (probably the best prior to Battlefront and Battlefront II). Many shooter and hack'n'slash fans could also derive pleasure from some of the action this title offers. I would recommend it as a rental to other gamers, if they are able to find copies.