Lucas Arts' latest attempt at a meaningful Star Wars game comes up short, way short.

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II X360
Let this be known. I am a huge Star Wars fan. Always have been and probably always will be. That being said you should be able to understand how excited I was for this release. After all the first game was great, it has an engaging story and great game play. The sequel attempts to build on the story of Star Killer (who died in the first one so that should be easy right?) You appear as a clone of your previous self, although you retain Star Killer's previous memories. You spend the game trying to find Vader, the one who created you and kidnapped the only one you loved, in a redundant smashing of buttons and unnecessary running around. I completed the game on normal difficulty while doing a fair amount of exploring in under 5 hours. The only reason to play though again would be to collect all the light sabre crystals and complete both the light and the dark endings.

The bottom line is this is rent. I know if I had purchased this for $65 I would have been very upset. The short play through, bland story and a lack of variety really hurt this title.