Not Better then 1, same gameplay and short
well 2 is 100% same but better graphics but same gameplay and the missions are same for example mission 2 is very long so they make it 3 and 4 at the same place, so thats why you think that its very short because in 5 places you end the game but place 2 and 4 are long and place 1 and 5 is the same and long too.
the story is suck after all we dont get the answer at the ending it continue with 3.
we dont know if star killer is a clon or he is the same starkiller of 1.
there alot mistakes in force unleashed 1 and i hoped they will fix that mistake in 2 but they dont what i mean you can read mi review in 1.
i recommend it if you are fan of the series. and fan of star wars.
i just cant wait for battkefront 3.