The game was pretty good but was somewhat disappointing and too short.

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II WII
The game was pretty good but was somewhat disappionting and too short. It seems like the effort put into making it could have been better. The graphics were worst than the first,while in my opinion, its a SEQUEL and should be better. It took me 3 hrs and around 30 minutes to complete the game! Also, it was very easy too, the boss fight at the end was easy and dragged on for so long. The enemy variety could be a bit more diverse too. One of the good things though is that you can go back to any level throughout the game without having to play the whole story line again. That is the only improvement that I can think of, comparing it to the first Force Unleashed. The different button controls from the first I didnt like. For example, Sith Lightning used to be the C button but now was changed to Z. Overall, it tried to change too much from the first and was too easy, too short. Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 could of been better.