Has some good points, but gameplay is flawed.

User Rating: 5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition PC
This game has quite a lot going for it, good story, pretty decent graphics and this idea of force powers combined with a state of the art physics engine. It's a damn shame it doesn't deliver; I was often left wondering if anyone actually bothered to play test the game.

The force power system is the epitome of clunkiness; you will automatically target whichever object your character is facing, rather than which way the camera is looking. In the heat of battle this often leads to spectacular discrepancies between your intention and what actually transpires, such as electrifying a crate rather than an enemy. This would be a bit more tolerable if it wasn't the case that most objects explode when a force power is used on them, damaging your character and often throwing him to the floor along which he will slide over impressively long distances before finally getting to his feet again.

Being able to lift and move objects around with the force, and throw them at your enemies is a novel idea. The problem is that the system is just broken. Even you've cleared the first hurdle and managed to target the object you wanted to grip, throwing it at the intended enemy is hit or miss at best (mostly miss); again, getting this wrong often leads to the object you're trying to throw exploding in your face.

Everybody has seen the really cool looking picture of your character using the force to bring down a star destroyer. That section of the game is unfortunately among the most flawed. In between waves of facing off against TIE fighters (which is naturally hampered by the targeting system) you must orient the star destroyer according to onscreen cues so that you can pull it out of the sky. The trouble is, the on screen cues are WRONG. I found out on a forum that you have to ignore the cues and instead orient the star destroyer to be level to the ground and pointing directly towards you in order to bring it down. It is stupid, lazy and unacceptable that game should ship with this kind of bug; let alone have not received an update in the many months since its release.

The final stage of the game sees you facing off against many foes at once. As epic as this sounds, it primarily amounts to frustration. When you're constantly being peppered by rockets and crates thrown by a tractor beam-wielding mech, it tends to be difficult to move around the battlefield to go after enemies since you're constantly being blasted off you're feet. Once you're thrown to the floor you slide like a hockey puck, so when you finally pick yourself up again you've traveled halfway across the map.

If you want to be a Jedi, go play as Kyle Katarn in Jedi Outcast, or even Jedi Knight: DF2 if you can tolerate the retro-ness. Katarn can't pull a star destroyer out of the sky, but he can force grip a Stormtrooper without accidentally exploding a crate in his face. Katarn can't cleave a mech clean in two with his lightsaber, but he can take a hit without sliding half a mile along the floor. The force unleashed was one of those disappointing games where I persisted playing the game only to find out what happened in the story.