Cool game but not as i thought
i am a star wars fan but not star wars games except battlefront and force unleashed.
the story is very great, its about the birth of the rebels, it was star killer idea, the secret apprentice of darth vader.
game play , hmmmm i thought its gonna be perfect like metal gear 4 and god of war 3 but its not, i mean the cut scenes has the same graphics of the game play, and force unleashed is not when there is cut scene and the game has start there is a little diffrent,
but the game play is very cool and fun, there is alot powers and force light saber throw and grip force and push force,electric shock.
there is 10 missions and 2 ending, jedi ending and sith ending.
i only recommend this game for star wars fans and who allways dreamed use the force in a game.